mtmCUBE Komplettpaket
mtmCUBE is a training management system which can be customized to the equipment pool as well as to the target group. It combines building blocks like periodization, visualization of free exercises, combined trainer and customer PCs, as well as apps, course reservations, appointment management, news, tele rehabilitation plans and excellent results presentations.

Our software mtmCUBE is a versatile training management software which is designed in a well-arranged and modern way. It is structured in a modular manner so that various “software cubes” can be added as needed. Just like with our cardio machines, we want to give you the opportunity to tailor everything the way you need it.
mtmCUBE can organize the entire training surface in a cable-free way. The cardio training as well as the strength training on compatible machines and free exercises are presented in an individual training plan for each customer.
If the training has been worked through over a while, the analysis comes into play. Here, our mtmCUBE offers various evaluation possibilities. Besides a training overview of the individual days, which is popular as a means for billing of cost carriers, specific days can be chosen for comparisons.

A specialty of mtmCUBE is that the same touch PC can be used as the trainer workspace and as the customer terminal. This increases your flexibility in the training area and possibly reduces the number of necessary stations.
User identification happens mostly via RFID technology, for the data transfer we use a wireless network which has minimum energy needs and which leaves most aspects of the training in the sovereignty of the training machine.
This has the terrific advantage that your machines continue to remain free of cables and connectors. Those who prefer the lower priced variant can rely on chipcards instead of RFID technology. Chipcards save the training plans and results reliably, but have to be read out manually at the PC.
The customer terminal is a simple, structured interaction point for the customer, that gives an overview over workout plans and results.

In order to enable you to present a unified training quality across your different employees and in order to conserve your precious resource time, you can create standard plans in mtmCUBE once which match your patronage and your device equipment. These plans are then available at the push of a button during your everyday workflow, but can also be easily customized individually for each customer. Contrary to other training management systems, all training programs that are available in the cardio machines and strength devices that are equipped with the motion power console, can be displayed. This ensures that a good, target-oriented and varied training can be represented. Additionally, different training plans can be periodized, i.e. can come into effect in a pre-specified rotation.

Once the training plans have been created, customers can have a high-quality training easily and for the most part independently. Training execution can be done at the strength machines with minimum effort, for the cardio machines no button push is needed for the most part. Free exercises are visible easily and quickly in the customer view of the touch PC and can be marked as completed if necessary.

We do like the design of individual intervall programs in particular. The use of loops, i.e. repeated intervalls of a certain number of intensity steps, makes the programming comfortable and quick.
When used at a therapy installation with weak users, the so called "active pause", i.e. a step with wattage of 0 and 0rpm, enables you to train your clients specifically and repeatedly.

We are especially proud of the index analysis. We have developed it to enable us to compare training units that have a different duration and intensity. Even the switch to a different strength machine in the plan does not change the interpretability. For this purpose, we have created value parameters which index the training elements. Thus, we attain a very simple overview for the customer which gives a clear statement about the training success without the need for scientific background knowledge about training.
All the above-mentioned functions are part of our all-inclusive package. Of course, more building blocks can be added as needed. Thus, we have a trainer and member app which makes it possible to stay in touch even when members are not on-site. The member app, which is customized to your facility, enables you to offer additional services to your customers like for example booking of courses, appointment management and a news area.
We are convinced that tele rehabilitation will continue to grow. We are prepared for this and it is already possible for customers to take other exercises home by means of a home training plan. It is possible to give feedback about the training execution. The functional coach is a new and attractive display station for free exercises.
If you are thinking beyond a training area, then you probably want to pass data in different directions, possibly an import from a member management system or an export to a hospital information system. For this as well, we are offering various interfaces which make a “clean” transition possible. Thus, you receive many choices beyond the training area and don’t have to feel “trapped” at one provider.
This is a short introduction on the trainer interface of the mtmCUBE.
- training scheduling for machines of the motion cardio line and compatible strength machines.
- virtual trainer (free exercises) in the training plan and visualization at the customer terminal
- periodization of training plans
- plan selection
- license customer feedback station
- license virtual trainer
- data exchange via chipcard or alternatively via RFID transponder (surcharge option for training machines)
- flying data monitor for wireless communication (for usage of RFID option) in the first training room
- one training day on-site (German mainland)
- transportation costs (within German mainland)
- all-in-one touch PC (Dell) incl. installation as a combined trainer work space and customer feedback station
- support contract is mandatory but not included in the price
- import of customer data from an administrative software
- export function by customer request
- implementation of the mtmCUBE cardio test module
- local database based on SQL
- simple registration/activation
- USB chipcard reader or USB transponder reader for PC is included