mtmCUBE Cardiotest
Our mtmCUBE Cardiotest online is the universal, sub-maximum step test for a simple and valid assessment of the training condition. To make sure that the subsequent training will lead to the desired success, the test offers recommendations about the training heart rates. Re-tests after several weeks will visualize the training success and motivate for further trainings.

As mentioned in the beginning, one of our earliest guiding principles was “from testing to training”. With this, our goal was to be able to offer a good and successful training in the field of health-oriented cardio training.
It has been and still is our concern that a test does not just describe a more or less sound performance condition. However, it should allow for drawing conclusions as to what can be done to improve one’s performance (or health condition respectively) in a measured and enduring way.
For these reasons we have integrated the IPN test at a prominent position into our test program package.

This sub-maximum step test has been introduced by the Institute for prevention and aftercare in Cologne and offers a results output in Watt/kg, but also a descriptive scaling on a value chart of 1 – 5 for operators without any background knowledge.
Similarly, it issues various comparisons to other test parameters like Vo2max.
However, to make a goal-oriented training possible, the IPN test calculates the aerobic-anaerobic threshold for different training machines, so that training heart rates can be recommended.

To ensure a comfortable test procedure and in order to illustrate the development of the trainee, there is the PC software mtmCUBE Cardiotest offline.
Customer data can be transferred from other databases and a test scheme with only 5 parameters is created, and can be written onto a chipcard. We have chosen this technology (versus a radio or cable connection) to make the test preparation and test procedure location-independent (for example for health days in collaborating facilities). Thus, it is possible to prepare multiple tests and then carry them out throughout the day or simultaneously on multiple test ergometers.

The assessment happens when reading the results that are saved on the card. At the same time, the results that already exist for this customer are combined with the current ones to one trend.
The handling is conceivably simple and clear, the printout for the customer is a very important element.
And of course, our software is structured in a way so that it can be extended by other building blocks or “cubes” whenever the training management is extended by integrated machines or free exercises.
- sub-maximum step test
- meaningful results for ordinary people and trainers
- member management for documentation and longitudinal comparisons
- wireless data transfer between PC and test ergometer, therefore room and time independent.
- test machine can be used as a regular training machine over long times
- multiple test machines can be managed with one software
- import of customer data from administrative software
- implementation of mtmCUBE training management software
- local database based on SQL
- simple registration/activation
- USB chipcard reader for PC
- compatible to motion cycle 900/900 med