pulse systems motion cardio line 900

Since the mar­ket launch of the mo­tion car­dio line 900, emo­tion fit­ness pro­vides con­nec­tiv­ity of 5kHz and hy­brid Polar® trans­mit­ters as stan­dard. In ad­di­tion, com­pat­i­bil­ity with the ANT+ tech­nol­ogy li­censed from Garmin® can also be re­alised via Blue­tooth®.

pulse systems motion cardio line 900

The mo­tion car­dio line 900 de­vices can be made com­pat­i­ble with many cur­rent heart rate mon­i­tors and sen­sors from lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers. The reg­u­lar, ana­logue 5 kHz fre­quen­cies are recog­nised, but also the Polar auto con­nec­tion sys­tem, as well as the Garmin ANT+ tech­nol­ogy, which work via Blue­tooth®, are sup­ported. emo­tion fit­ness is reg­is­tered and cer­ti­fied with Blue­tooth®, ANT+ and Polar.

Today's dig­i­tal in­ter­faces are largely interference-​proof and can trans­mit other phys­i­o­log­i­cal pa­ra­me­ters from the sen­sor to the mon­i­tor in ad­di­tion to the pulse rate. De­pend­ing on the trans­mit­ter, heart rate vari­abil­ity and res­pi­ra­tion rate can also be dis­played in the de­vice.

Polar has been using 5kHz tech­nol­ogy for decades and it is also used by many other man­u­fac­tur­ers for sim­ple "beat to beat" trans­mis­sion. The sen­sor does not send a pulse value, but each sig­nal as a beat. The er­gome­ter then con­verts these beats into a pulse value. You can find er­gome­ters with 5 kHz re­ceivers in al­most all pro­fes­sional fa­cil­i­ties. The same ap­plies to the cor­re­spond­ing chest strap sen­sors T31 or T32C. For this rea­son it is im­por­tant that the mo­tion car­dio line 900 con­tin­ues to sup­port this tech­nol­ogy so that ex­ist­ing belts can con­tinue to be used.

How­ever, this tech­nol­ogy is not pro­tected against in­ter­fer­ence from other trans­mit­ters, power lines or sim­i­lar.

Polar® auto con­nec­tion is the term for a sys­tem that is be­com­ing es­tab­lished on the mar­ket, which es­tab­lishes an au­to­matic con­nec­tion be­tween the chest sen­sor and the re­ceiver in the mon­i­tor and au­to­mat­i­cally dis­con­nects them again after the train­ing ses­sion has ended. With­out this auto con­nec­tion func­tion, each user would have to ac­tively se­lect their chest strap in a sep­a­rate menu from a list of all sen­sors avail­able in the de­vice and also ac­tively dis­con­nect it again in order to re­lease the con­nec­tion on this de­vice for the next user.

The hy­brid sys­tem from Polar® uses the 5 kHz mag­netic field of the trans­mit­ter with the short­est dis­tance to the mon­i­tor, con­nects to it and then switches to Blue­tooth® com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

From this point on, data com­mu­ni­ca­tion is interference-​proof, ac­cu­rate and trans­mits a pulse value in­stead of pulse sig­nals; in ad­di­tion, other pa­ra­me­ter mea­sure­ment data such as heart rate vari­abil­ity can be re­trieved from the mon­i­tor.

At the end of the train­ing ses­sion, the con­nec­tion be­tween sen­sor and re­ceiver is au­to­mat­i­cally in­ter­rupted so that the pre­vi­ously used de­vice can con­nect to a new user.

Im­por­tant: The new sys­tem is still com­pat­i­ble with the ana­logue 5 kHz sen­sors, e.g. the T31C. The dig­i­tal sen­sors H9/10 are also com­pat­i­ble with older er­gome­ters and ana­logue re­ceivers.

The ANT+ in­ter­face is a stan­dard of the com­pany Garmin, which is also a global player in the field of heart rate sen­sors and heart rate mon­i­tors. Here, too, there is a so­lu­tion to iden­tify the trans­mit­ter with the short­est dis­tance to the mon­i­tor and then es­tab­lish a Blue­tooth® con­nec­tion with it. With ANT+, the con­nec­tion to the sen­sor is also ac­tively in­ter­rupted after the work­out is com­pleted.

ANT+ com­pat­i­bil­ity is part of the per­for­mance pack­age. If the func­tion is en­abled, then the ANT+ slider can be ac­ti­vated in the first con­text menu be­fore each train­ing ses­sion to search for an ANT+ sen­sor in­stead of the Polar trans­mit­ter.

Im­por­tant: Polar H10 sen­sors also work with ANT+ re­ceivers and not only Garmin chest straps but also watches and Polar Ver­ity Sense sen­sors are recog­nised.

ANT+ ac­ti­va­tion for use of fur­ther pulse sen­sors.

pulse systems motion cardio line 900 <p>ANT+ activation for use of further pulse sensors.</p>

Easy to handly, ready to use under arm sen­sor Ver­ity Sense by Polar®.

pulse systems motion cardio line 900 <p>Easy to handly, ready to use under arm sensor Verity Sense by Polar®.</p>


  • applicable with the motion cardio line 900
  • Support of 5 kHz belts (e.g. T31C)
  • Support of Bluetooth connections with hybrid Polar® belts (e.g. H9; H10)
  • Transmission of HRV with digital connection


  • ANT+ interface for use with Garmin® belts, broadcast-enabled heart rate monitors and the Polar® Verity Sense forearm sensor
This icon marks features especially valuable for medical applications